
5 Year Color Refresh Speculation, pt.2

5 Year Color Refresh Speculation, pt.2

The Contenders

If we only pick from the interim In Colors, which is kind of like an audition, we are left with the following possibilities.

2017 In Colors


Ok, all good colors, if a little heavy on the pink spectrum. That being said, I’m not super impressed, and I don’t see any wholes in our current palette that aren’t best filled elsewhere. I’m going to pass on all of these.

However, Lemon Lime Twist could fill a hole in my  projected color palette and give a nice new color to play with.

2018 In Colors


Ok, this is a super lovely collection, like a box of Crayola crayons. I would welcome any of these colors. However, we are in great need of a good, solid yellow. I’m not much a yellow/warm color person, but it is super necessary to the palette.

2019 In Colors


Ok, I am going to be honest here. If I had to pick only one color to bring back on this whole page, Pretty Peacock is my choice. It is super popular (try and find anything for it used!) and is a whole we don’t have in our current catalog. Please, please, I want Pretty Peacock to return.

2020 In Colors


Cinnamon Cider is the only real neutral in the bunch but is a super nice warm brown that we can do so much with. Replace one of the weird colors in the neutral family. Swap it out with a different brown, I don’t care. This is a lovely color.

Bumblebee and Pineapple Punch (2018) are the only really solid yellows that we have on this list, but we need one or the other very badly. I am tipped slightly to Pineapple Punch, but I will take either.

Misty Moonlight, super popular, super useful. I would lay odds on this being one of our new colors. The only tough part is figuring out which family to put it in, and what color to bump in response.

Magenta Madness was more popular than I really considered, and could be added to the brights family.

2021 In Colors


Welcome to the party, Fresh Freesia. You are a nice purple, fit in well, and are the best pick of this bunch. Welcome to the Subtles collection (I hope).

The next one was tough, because it is a good and needed color, but I haven’t really connected to it. Pale Papaya come on down.

2022 In Colors


This was a good blend of colors and filled some of the holes that we had, but as these are still active for another year, it is unlikely that any of them will be chosen.



These are the most likely candidates, I feel, for returning status, if there is in fact a refresh this year. Maybe, they are just the ones that I would most like to see. What are your favorites, that you would like to see come back?

Follow me to Part 3


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